Poaching on the Parkway

A New Poaching Awareness Program at Effie Yeaw

Deer poaching has become a problem in the area around Effie Yeaw Nature Center (EYNC) and Ancil Hoffman Park.  We have been alerted to this problem by longtime American River Natural History Association member Tim McGinn, who has been frequenting the Nature Area for more than 45 years and is very familiar with the deer herd. Tim is now working with law enforcement at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to address the problem.

Tim has initiated a public awareness team that will help educate the public about how they can participate in the program. The four-member team consists of Kent Anderson, Executive Director of EYNC; Lt. Gregory of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife; Kathy Kayner, Board Member and Secretary of Save American River Association (SARA); and Tim McGinn, founder of the program.

Poaching becomes a serious problem between mid-October and late January. The poaching target is the antlers on the big bucks. Poaching takes place during the night hours by individuals using cross-bows and night vision optics. The public can assist by recognizing suspicious activities day or night. If you see suspicious activity, record vehicle license numbers, write down descriptions of what you saw, and take photos with your phone.

Report this information by calling the CalTip line 888.334.CALTIP, which is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, or text 847411.  Do not, under any circumstances, confront a poacher.


  • Sara Stephens
    published this page in Land Related 2021-11-11 12:48:02 -0800

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