Donate to American River Trees

Your donation to Save the American River Association for American River Trees (ART) supports our efforts to preserve the Wild and Scenic Lower American River and Parkway trees and wildlife habitat corridor.

ART opposes the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) destructive bulldozing and removal of heritage oaks and other trees, in proposed riverbank erosion project Contracts 3B and 4B. With your financial assistance, we can seek guidance from legal, engineering, and environmental professionals to preserve as much of the riparian habitat as possible while providing erosion control and flood protection in the project area within the American River Parkway. Your contribution advances our efforts to increase awareness and communication with the public, agencies, officeholders, and advocacy groups, and gain additional support.

Checks should be made to Save the American River Association and include American River Trees in the Subject line. Mail checks to: Save the American River Association, 8836 Greenback Lane, Suite C, Orangevale, CA 95662

Save the American River Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit; your donation is tax-deductible. SARA's Tax ID is 94-2987563.

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Contributions are tax deductible.

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