Save the American River Association has consistently been opposed to large concert special events in the American River Parkway, specifically Discovery Park. The Parkway was saved for preservation as a park where visitors can find a peaceful environment that touches the whole person with a sense of something real. Not an amusement park that focuses on revenue and brings an escape experience totally separate from the park.
When the American River Parkway Plan, which has been codified in state law, was updated in 2008, the county agreed to develop an Impact Monitoring Plan for events on the Parkway. Eight years later, county taxpayers are still awaiting the development of that plan. The plan states: “It is anticipated that occasional large group and special events will occur (in developed recreation areas), but facilities to accommodate large groups should not be provided unless thorough study and public hearings have been conducted to determine the impacts and needs.”
Read the May 27, 2016 letter to the Supervisors concerning the SactoMoFo event in Discovery Park.
Read the June 24, 2016 letter to the Supervisors concerning large special event concerts in the American River Parkway.
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