Annual Meeting

Save the American River Association is hosting our 2022 Annual Meeting:

Saturday, December 3, 2022
Effie Yeaw Nature Center
2850 San Lorenzo Way | Carmichael CA 95608

9:30 am Breakfast rolls and coffee
10:00 am Program begins
11:30 am Lunch

Save the American River Association cordially invites our valued members and supporters to our Annual Meeting. Please join us in celebration of SARA's outstanding community partner organizations dedicated to preserving our wild spaces.

  • Presentations by Mark Berry of Preserve the American River on the proposed development of the former Kassis property, and Mark Baker of Sacramento Picks It Up on the inspiring river clean-ups that are happening in partnership with Sacramento County Regional Parks.
  • We will honor Dr. Roland Brady and Crystal Tobias for their extraordinary work restoring Steelhead Creek. 
  • Election of SARA's 2023 Board of Directors.

Questions? Please contact us. Lunch is donated each year in memory of John Harvey Carter, SARA member and supporter.


Cover photo by George Nyberg.


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